Posts tagged innovation
A Tale of Two Conferences

In this best/worst of times, many of us feel the call to personal and organizational transformation.  For me personally, I get a lot of ideas, support, insights, and development from participating and presenting at conferences with different communities that I am a part of.  As an Edgewalker (people who walk between worlds and have the ability to build bridges between different worlds), I’m a part of several diverse groups and communities, and the various frames of reference serve me in self-inquiry and developing my thought and practices on how I serve my clients. 

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Recreating Your World

The structure and relationships of the parts determine how the system expresses itself, and sometimes small, leveraged changes can make large impacts on the dynamics and results. Here are a few modalities practitioners experiment with that can support the transformational process.

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Labors of Love, and "'Sup With Social Media?"

It has come to our attention through observation and interactions with human systems that there is a certain polarized paradigm circulating about that merits our attention perhaps. It has to do with a distinction between work and fun/enjoyment/creativity/personal time.

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Your Business Q's Answered, and--the Secret Underpinnings of FTM Impact!

We'll get together and have some fun writing songs, right? It's a perception that many have when they hear about Face The Music's offerings. But out regular clients know that there is a lot going on, and an opportunity to make a big impact in what their organization is looking to achieve. You've got security clearance, so here we go...

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Renewal: It's Just Like Starting Over...

At Face The Music we see great opportunity and relevance in the role we play in supporting our clients to take on their challenges, and in serving our mission to help build a better working world. Our programs bring music, fun, spirit, and energy into organizations. They are designed to help these organizations develop new approaches and behaviors to take on issues...

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The Glass Ceiling: Breaking on Through to the Other Side

Design included presentations on shared terminology and background, role play skits dramatizing different types of unconscious bias, group discussions, songs that illustrate the themes, songwriting about the participants' "bias blues", debrief of experiential activities to get insights into the organizational system as it pertains to the subject, and planning to make decisions on what actions to take going forward.

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Rockin' Winston Churchill and on to the UN

Engaging and Re-Igniting Our Global Workforce Through Sustainable Economic and Talent Development

Pursuant to that, the 15 or so participants and their BPI hosts were to spend some time at the United Nations on the Monday following the Sunday opening meeting at the Waldorf.

About the meeting from BPI founder and CEO Louis Carter (see article 2)...


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On the Road in Nashville with Face The Music (Kero-whackian)

I first came to Nashville after bouncing back and forth to California the month before. Calif had just helped me get over the late Winter Catskill funk that I won't bother to talk about, except that it had something to do with wind, snow, cold, and the feeling that everything was dead. With the coming of the Nashville trip, it was still cold...

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The Evolution of Awareness

Music-based experiential learning can be a powerful and time-efficient tool for delivering meaningful, integrated, and impactful training and change projects. It gives participants the opportunity to create their own meaning and ownership to what is presented by the leadership and program designers. And it creates space for--Mojo…

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Learning with a Groove and the Exciting Conclusion

Music and the power of sound is like a secret world that opens up many doors to possibilities because of its universal nature, the impact it has on the brain's neural functioning, the deep-rooted cultural—and even tribal—roots, how it powerfully expresses the characteristics of the organizational system...

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Thinking, Inspiration, & North of the Border

...where I do my best thinking


Paul Simon is casually dressed and opens the workshop with a genuine apology for his lateness. He speaks about many aspects of song writing, but none that made a bigger impression than this: He lived in New York City for a long time and needed space and quiet..

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Risk & Innovation--Leadership by Example (& New FTM Video!)

When the crowd sees the leadership team up there at the mics delivering the message they helped create, there is a sudden and profound shift. Demonstrating enthusiasm and energy, communicating a vision, telling what's going on and what we're going to do, taking a risk, and being innovative. This is real-time leadership, and their people get it.

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Healthy Change (and a last word on Ukuleles...)

Several health care organizations have come to FTM recently to help them in doing all of this in a way that would enroll employees and leaders throughout the organization into a positive context of taking on the change enthusiastically while staying focused on their purpose

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Here's to Music!

All of this can and does connect to what's happening back on the job. The shared experience of music is a powerful connecting force and it has an impact on the culture of the people that shared it. There is a natural alignment that happens...

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